Knights of Walpurgis

Posts Tagged ‘gaming’

Devil May Cry: Realization

In Uncategorized on October 17, 2017 at 10:15 pm

Did any of you play Devil May Cry 4 (?). It’s the one where a guy with a magic arm named Nero is the protagonist. Dante is the usual main character (and you will be able to play him later in the game). Well, the game started of with Nero being part of this “religion” which worships Sparda (Dante’s dad and the devil who rebelled against his programming to help humanity).

Nero does not believe in this savior narrative and he does not want any of those BS. At the start of the game, he seems to be attending some sort of worship service but he is the only one not in white cape (eerily similar to those used by the KKK) and he appears to be bored out of his mind. In a later encounter with one of the games minor characters (with sever lack of clothing but bountiful amount of bosom), he scoffs after she said “May the savior be with you in your journey.”


Why the hell do they still keep Nero around if he does not believe in their core tenets?

My position is that Nero once believed in what the Order worships but somewhere along the line, he lost his faith.

Who knew that some videogame would teach so much in life!

Mood: sexually aroused AF

PS— Holy smokes, this things do come in pulses! In bits and pieces. Writer’s inspiration works that way.